* GROUP-GRAPHIC EDITOR * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Thomas Kessler, KESSLER Design * All Rights Reserved. * * This software is Shareware which means that you can use it legally for * 14 days free of charge to evaluate it. If during, or at the end of * that period you decide that you would like to continue using it, then * you have to register your copy. * * A single-user registration will license you to use your copy of this * software, will support work on future versions, new features and fixes * and will provide you with technical support via email. * * Please take a look at the website to find out how you can register. * * This software may be freely distributed subject to, but not limited to, the * following terms: This software may not be sold or resold, distributed as a * part of any commercial package, used in a commercial environment, used or * distributed in support of a commercial service, or used or distributed to * support any kind of profit-generating activity, even if it is being * distributed freely. * * If you would like to distribute this software as part of a shareware * distribution, magazine, book, CD-ROM, etc. please contact the Author for * permission. * * All commercial use interests in this software should be directed to the * Author, too. * * THE AUTHOR MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT * THE SUITABILITY OF THE SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR * NON-INFRINGEMENT. THE AUTHOR SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DAMAGES SUFFERED BY ANYBODY AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING * OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES AND * ESPECIALLY WHEN USING ILLEGAL CODES. * * WWW: http://www.kessler-design.com/ * Email: smsc@kessler-design.com Important imformation: ---------------------- Read the following carefully step by step! 1. Requirements: ---------------- 1.1 System: Windows 95 or Windows 98 or Windows NT 1.2 Hardware: PC with or without IR-port 1.3 Software: Nokia Data Suite or Nokia virtual serial port driver Note: If you just want to upload via IR, then you do NOT need the Data Suite. 2. Installation: ---------------- 2.1 Remove any previous installed version with Start / Settings / Control-Panel / Software / Remove in Windows. 2.2 Unzip the archive, run SETUP.EXE and follow the english installation- instructions then. 2.3 Make sure that you enter your correct name if you start the program the very first time (if the program asks you to do so). 3. How to use: -------------- Use left mousebutton to draw and right mousebutton to remove pixels. If something does not work for you, please read the FAQ on the website at http://www.kessler-design.com/wireless/faq.html - answers are there. 4. Contribution to the further development: ------------------------------------------- Be creative and send your masterpieces to our samples-gallery. All versions of this software are Shareware, so please contribute to the further development and register online if you want to use it longer than 14 days. http://www.kessler-design.com/wireless/register.html KESSLER Design is a "one-man-student" company and I do all programming and the website in my sparetime. It is always hard to find enough time besides studies to continue the 'smart' series... so registering would be the best support you can give me. Note that "Nokia" and Nokia's product names are trademarks of Nokia, "Microsoft" and Microsofts's product names are trademarks of Microsoft.